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Friday, May 23, 2014

How To: Get Through a Seemingly Endless Friday

Note: these are only suggestions, and may not work for everyone:

* Induce an extreme allergic reaction without an epi-pen handy.

* Paint eyeballs on your eyelids and train yourself to sleep upright, facing your computer.

* Pretend like the floor is hot lava, and the only safe spots are your chair and the tops of peoples' desks, and the only way you'll make it to the bathroom alive is by rowing your chair with a rudimentary paperclip-based paddle or somehow parkouring between various work stations, then drink a lot of water.

* Weep. At your desk. Loudly.

Just cry it out...

* Form a murder/suicide pact with everyone who shares your cube.

* Create paper dolls of all your co-workers, surreptitiously leave them on their desks when they step away and act confused when they ask you about it. Create a decoy one of yourself so that you can commiserate with them about how "strange" and "creepy" and "prosecutable" it feels later.

* Cat videos.

* Run all your company literature through a translator, then translate that text back into English, then call a company-wide meeting to present your findings on how your company is losing the Tagalog-speaking market.

* Drink.

UPDATE: Practicing what I preach: 

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