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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

Can anyone explain to me why it is that the decisions that are hardest to make--cripplingly, mind-meltingly, curl-up-in-a-ball-and-weep-ingly hard--are always the little ones?

I flipped a coin to decide where to go to college (no, literally). I don't think I ever even consciously chose a career path. And I regularly decide to drastically switch my haircut--we're talking mid-back to pixie--based on a single morning of "meuh" in the mirror.

That might sound less momentous than the first two, but I think the ladies are picking up what I'm throwing down there.

I can make major decisions with (apparently frightening) ease, but the little ones? I am completely and utterly un-womanned by them.

Last night's decision trauma: business cards.

I didn't even NEED new business cards. I currently have four sets: one for my writing; one for my day job; one for the day job BEFORE this one (which, frankly, I should just recycle); and one for a place I used to write for that disappeared, and whose remnants I'm too sentimental to abandon totally.

But I kind of hate the "for my writing" set, and OHMYGODASALE was happening, so clearly I needed to pull the trigger on this immediately.

By "immediately," I mean "it took me hours--seriously, hours--and the input of multiple people to figure this out."

Do I like the quirky image I actually like, or should I go with something simple that I find boring (but maybe it's more elegant)? Heavy weight, regular weight (cheaper!), or weird (but maybe more memorable? but maybe more lose-able?) mini-cards? Is my title "writer," or "author," or "freelance writer," or "humorist," or some Frankenstein's monster of all of those, sutured together with ampersands?


I wound up with...something. I purchased something.

But was it right? WAS IT?

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