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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Do Your Dreams Ever Have A Plot?

The other night I had a dream that involved two weensie kittens, the smaller of which I saved from certain death through my incredible milk-doling-out-dream-skills.

Dream me didn't have her nails did, though.

I'm not going to bother to try to tell you more about it, because it's a universally-accepted fact that there is nothing on earth more boring than someone else's dreams.

Except maybe young children's baseball games. Those are DEADLY.

That's gonna be another strike.

But sometimes--super rarely, but occasionally--my dreams unfold like an especially awesome children's story (I'm far too immature for them to unfold like an adult story, all layers of meaning and expansive description of setting and lyrical, but often aimless, prose--in fact, this is making me start to think the not-well-plotted dreams are just the literary fiction of my sleeping self...WHOA...).

Are other people's dream-worlds (semi-)regularly cause-and-effect, strong-story-arc-traced-throughout, clear-characters-who-you-know-are-John-Travolta-even-if-they-look-like-your-usual-bus-driver stories?

Do you enjoy them more when they are?

And why is it that we can't seem to make even our most vivid, intense dreams into interesting stories? What about dreams makes us all so universally incapable of making their content seem vital to anyone else? Is it that we're all too faithful in the retelling ("and then for a while my first-grade teacher showed up, I don't remember why, but she morphed back into Zelda Fitzgerald and we all got cocktails, at least until the room changed and we were in a field..."), or that we just can't remember the details well enough?

Either way, don't worry. I'm not going to try to be the exception to the rule. Even though that means you'll never get to hear about last night's AWESOME murder-mystery but inside a Super Mario game, kinda, even though it didn't look like a Mario game, it was, and we all needed to drink Dr. Pepper to survive...

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