As of 9/18/15, this site has moved to

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Getting into the Routine

I'm fascinated with the routines people develop for themselves, especially artistic people who's only boss is themselves and who are therefore simultaneously not required to report to anyone ever but also plagued by guilt because really this is all about YOUR success so why aren't you working now, say, or now, or also now?

It's normal and healthy, I swear. Or a facet of my OCD. Take your pick.

Anyway, as I venture into the utterly uncharted territory of someone saying "yes, we DO want your books," I'm having to develop one for myself (a routine, but yes, also the books).

Which results in all the guilt.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life (Hopefully)

It's official. After nearly two years of forcing myself into an ill-fitting 9-5:30 lifestyle, today is the first day that I'll be working primarily for myself, primarily on my capital-w Writing, doing the thing I've been desperately trying to get anyone to let me do for almost a decade.

It's pretty terrifying.

Luckily, having a ton on my plate right from the start is helping. As is having amazing coworkers (with some serious personal space issues):