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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Getting into the Routine

I'm fascinated with the routines people develop for themselves, especially artistic people who's only boss is themselves and who are therefore simultaneously not required to report to anyone ever but also plagued by guilt because really this is all about YOUR success so why aren't you working now, say, or now, or also now?

It's normal and healthy, I swear. Or a facet of my OCD. Take your pick.

Anyway, as I venture into the utterly uncharted territory of someone saying "yes, we DO want your books," I'm having to develop one for myself (a routine, but yes, also the books).

Which results in all the guilt.

I know I'm not the only person who has this holdover, gothic-romance idea of writers as being tortured a lot of the time, then inspired nonstop for a week, at the end of which they're in possession of perfect novels and dashingly-sexy eye bags.

Spoiler alert: I don't write that way.

I have never written that way.

Do any of these people have "general Real Housewives catchup time" built in to their days?

In fact, I don't think I've ever ACTUALLY written for longer than a few hours at a stretch before I suddenly realized I needed to clean a tub or learn more about a Kardashian or replace all the vacuum filters RIGHT NOW (trust me, finding really strange and wrong ways to procrastinate is not unique to my writing life).

So what are routines that work for other people? Mine is still open to interpretation, but like most things about me--especially things that involve habits, because OCD--it's probably going to calcify soon into some hideous, claw-handed, mothball-smelling old man that I don't know how to get rid of politely.

Suggestions? Best tips? Help a sister out...


  1. I started working from home back in March and only slightly had a routine schedule The only thing I can say for sure is that my morning starts out with a bowl of cereal, followed by coffee. I only recently started seeing the benefit to showering in the morning. Don't judge.

    I have an off-peak gym membership and normally go in the afternoon. On Mondays I go to just use the sauna and sweat out the toxins from the weekend.

    On Fridays I get out of the aprtment and normally work from a Starbucks and meet with friends for lunch downtime.

    I'll throw in the occasional mid-day bike ride depending on my motivation/ the weather/ work load.

    I'm thinking my routine is not very routine?

    1. That's how you know it's awesome. So far my "routine" seems to be "work some in the morning, gym, lunch, work some in the afternoon, maybe work in the evening if I need to or on a weekend if I'm motivated."

      ...with plenty of flexibility for lunch and last-minute switchups.
