Yup, I hate you.
But this post isn't about THOSE reasons, it's about a writing-way in which I'm terrible: I secretly hate all the inspirational support that makes the rounds of every writing community, all the time.
On the one hand, it's nice to know that other authors got rejected...often. It's a good reminder to be told not to compare your own trajectory to anyone else's, if for no other reason than it serves no positive purpose whatsoever. And yes, sure, I probably should "celebrate all the small wins" more than I do.
But a dark buried little nugget of me (which actually makes up 99% of my personality) just wants to call bullshit on all that.
How can you possibly expect to succeed in a creative career if you're not dissatisfied? A lot? If I were taking time out to celebrate small wins I might be happier, but I wouldn't be particularly willing to submit myself for rejection AGAIN. Comparing myself--negatively, of course--to other people is a really, really good way to get myself out of bed early enough to write before work.
And let's be honest: none of us is the next J.K. Rowling. She is a unicorn. I'm not even sure she actually exists--she could just be a hologram editors project at opportune moments in hopes of finding the next comfortable mid-lister. Even if I progress leaps and bounds beyond where I am today, and manage to live entirely off my writing, no day job, regularly putting out well-reviewed novels and whatever else, I will be one of the incredibly-effing-lucky ones.
In fact, I think I resent the rejection letter comparisons not because they're too positive, vis: "buck up, champ, even the greats faced it!" but because they're secretly incredibly dark: you're setting the goalposts SO FAR AWAY. If I compare my future possible dream career to Hemingway's, I will always, ALWAYS fail to measure up.
Don't worry, I'm not going to rain on other peoples' writing parade; if those thoughts motivate you, that is AWESOME. It's probably because you're already a WAY better person than I am (you probably don't even roll your eyes when the kindergartner starts doing the can-can on your seat-back).
But let's acknowledge that there's another highly-effective way to motivate yourself: not being happy with where you are. As they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
And if my outlook isn't proven more right on the cat-skinning front, dear god, please don't offer to petsit for me.
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