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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Guilty Pleasures

What, exactly, defines a literary guilty pleasure?

I know they exist, at least insofar as there are books I'm frankly embarrassed to admit I've read (no, I will NOT name names, so don't ask...publicly). But I'm not sure where the line is drawn between "fun, light read" and "guilt because I read."

 Guilt because you're reading about pleasure is another thing entirely.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

From the Mouths of Olds...

People love to quote "from the mouths of babes" to indicate that kids say the wisest things.

This is stupid.

Kids say extremely stupid things.

Sometimes they DO hit on a truth adults won't tell, of course. But that's not because kids are so inordinately wise, it's because they're jerks. They have no filters, so they just say the mean things the rest of us think, but know enough to keep to ourselves.